The four minute minute video "The War You Don't See" by John Pilger is a video explaining the effects of propaganda on the U.S government and their role foreign relations. As the video begins it starts to play very upbeat music. Our emotions can be altered by the slightest sound of music. This means music has the ability to change your mood whether it is a bad or good mood. In this case the music Pilger decided to include in the video created a sense of excitement and intensity. This showed the seriousness of paying attention to what the video is trying to portray. When the tempo changes it switches to a song that repeats "I'll take your brain to another dimension, Pay close attention". This is directly telling people to pay attention to what Pilger is trying to persuade you. Direct result of propaganda in the process.
Along with the music the video does not have any commentary. The reason he made the video this was it to use a different kind of technique. The video portrays a series of pictures one after another, creating a story like the childhood books we all used to read. These pictures vary from the attack on Hiroshima, the idea of life on mars, images of Jesus and bible references, and argumentative subjects such as marijuana. These images were chosen to back up Pilger's idea of how propaganda has been used in the past to directly influence the result of major events that startled people. Propaganda was used by the government to hide UFO sitings, to cover up the effects of the attack on Hiroshima, and now recently the reason we are at war with Afganistan.
I think John Pilger did a great job using propaganda tricks in order to keep the listener interested and aware of the issue he had behind these tactics. Basically he directed the audience's attention to where it needed to be so that made it a lot easier for him to persuade.
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