Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#3: Enlightenment and education

From the beginning of Taylor's video he created a sense of urgency to need to live differently in the 21st century.  Copernicus, Galeio, and Newton paved the way for the the Age of Enlightenment when they failed to prove the laws of nature.  This disproved the idea that the sun rotates around the earth.  Imagine what that did to the minds of people who believed the earth stood still.  This was the exact change that was needed in the early 18th century. People were now susceptible to new ideas. These new ideas meant getting rid of old values and norms and creating new ones.  Prior to the Enlightenment, things were decided solely on faith and tradition. Now the goal was to reform society using reason.  Do the previous values still work?  What do they mean?  Do they still meet the challenges we face? In order to live differently then the 18th century, society needed to adapt and think differently. 

Education is a very argumentative topic that Robinson speaks about.  The main problem he addresses is the fact that society is trying to meet the future with what they had already been doing. School was designed to create cultural background and values and norms for children.  In the 18th century education had recently been introduced into civilization and was highly susceptible to diversity. The industrial revolution and the 18th century culture played a big part in creating the desired education. In the 21st century Robinson argues that the education system needs to question whether or not to think differently about society.   Originally education systems were based after industrialization and were typically organized as if they were a production line. Children that attended school were taught that if you complete schooling and go to college you will be successful.  Unfortunately, today that is not a guarantee.  Kids now are losing the purpose to go to school and are being treated for ADHD.  This is not the new idea both of these authors are trying to prove.  Instead Robinson wants school systems to start divergent thinking.  Why is there a right and wrong? Why are grades decided by age? Why is there only one right answer? 

Without the Enlightenment era many things would be different and we certainly wouldn't be what we are today.  Over the years the 21st century has continued to expand empathy's reach to create a better environment.  With people like Robinson and Taylor,  more and more people will conform to a new age of thinking.  One where the number of right answers could be limitless.

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